
Our German Team

Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Bangladesch

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DAfB’s work is made possible through the tireless efforts of our wonderful team.

Our Team

Bangladesh Office

Executive Committee





General Assembly

Germany Office

Executive Committee

Mr. Arifin is one of the founding members of DAfB. With DAfB he aims to improve the socio-economic  development in Bangladesh, with his long-year experiences in the development sector. 


Dr. Gerke is actively engaged in TVET, especially in rural and developing nations. His experiences and advice are a great asset in DAfB’s mission. 


Ms. Jabin is responsible for many of the administrative affairs of DAfB. 


Dr. Staines is a TVET & student guidance counselling expert. He utilities his expertise to promote employment development.  

 Press Secretary

General Assembly

Ms. Mukta organises and manages many of the self-employment and entrepreneurship projects, which DAfB organises for rural and underprivileged women. 

Ms. Hossain in an expert on food and nutrition. She utilises her expertise to assist in DAfB’s health & hygiene campaigns, to promote healthy food choices. 

Ms. Khondokar has expertise in development work. She discusses and lobbies with various stakeholders. 

Mr. Hossain in also an expert on food and nutrition. He utilises her expertise to assist in DAfB’s health & hygiene campaigns and assists farmers in ensuring food safety. 

Advisory Panel

Dr. Islam is an expert in telecommunication. He support in our distance learning courses and in digitalising our training units. He also advises us on effective and efficient digital communication. 

Mr. Islam is an expert on occupational health and safety. He serves an an advisor and coordinator of our campaign to promote safety trainings, in Bangladesh. 

An expert on cyber and cloud security, Dr. Hassan assist in designing our cloud based training and material. He also advises us in digitalising our projects.

Dr. Khan advises us in all matters relating to ICT, especially in connection to our trainings or classes. He is an expert in both pedagogy and technology and offers insights in structuring our learning units. 

Dr. Haolader is a TVET expert with a deep understanding of the German and Bangladeshi TVET cooperation. He is an important advisor to us in our trainings, employment generation projects and educational projects. 

With hands-on experience of the Bangladeshi agriculture, Mr. Pakhi advises farmers, through DAfB about new plants, crops and cultivation methods.

Mr. Singha was a mathematics teacher at Shakrail High School, one of DAfB’s scholarship schools. Mr. Singha is actively involved in our annual scholarship programs assisting us with his expertise and advise. 

No one left behind! Our advisor on children’s projects is Sajid. He likes to speak with other children and build connections. 
